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Counselling provides the opportunity to talk in confidence to someone who is trained to listen. Counselling can help make sense of what you are feeling about difficulties you are experiencing in your life at this time.
We currently help in excess of 500 adults, children and young people each year to cope with a wide range of emotional problems such as:

  • stress

  • depression

  • loneliness

  • bereavement

  • anger

  • anxiety

  • lack of self-esteem

  • eating disorders

  • childhood abuse

  • suicidal thoughts

  • health problems

  • relationship issues

We offer confidential counselling which takes place at our Centre in Cirencester or remotely on the telephone or using video conferencing.
Discussing difficult feelings can help reduce the pain caused by them and may make them easier to understand.
With your counsellor you will work in a private and confidential setting where you will be able to talk freely and openly about feelings which aren't always understood by family and friends.
The counsellor's role is to listen and to respond with understanding, to help you find out why you feel as you do, and to explore what choices there are for you, in order to make your life more manageable. Counsellors do not give advice, do not make decisions for you or make judgements about your situation.


Please click on the links below to find out more about the types of counselling we offer and to access our request forms:


  • What is expected of me?
    Your role as a client is to come accepting that you will be expressing feelings which may sometimes be difficult and painful but it may be necessary to go through this experience if counselling is to help you move forward. The counsellor will work with you to support you - in this way counsellor and client 'work' together.
  • What does a counselling session involve?
    Counselling involves commitment to have regular contact between you and your counsellor – normally once a week with each session lasting 50 minutes.
  • How long will my counselling last?
    At the first meeting you will agree with your counsellor whether to proceed with counselling. Sometimes 4 to 6 sessions seem to meet a client’s need but there is always an option to continue. Because of the demand for our services, counselling is only available to any one client for a maximum of 9 months without a break. Often, with young people we begin with the aim of working towards 12 sessions with the option to extend as necessary. ​ If at any stage the continuation of counselling is not considered to be in the best interest of the client or counsellor, then Cotswold Counselling reserves the right to conclude the counselling.
  • Do I need a GP Referral?
    No - although a significant number of clients are referred to us by GPs we accept direct approaches by clients.
  • Where do counselling sessions take place?
    Counselling is carried out primarily in Cirencester, although we can offer sessions conducted via telephone or video conferencing for those unable to travel. We also offer sessions in some local primary and secondary schools on a contract basis.
  • How much will it cost?
    As a registered charity we offer affordable counselling. Financial contributions are negotiable and, if possible, we ask new adult and young person (11-18) clients to contribute £35 for the first session. This is to cover the administrative cost. If there is a difficulty, this is also negotiable. Further contributions, if possible, are decided by the client. The ethos of the agency is to make counselling available to all who may benefit. We really appreciate clients making a financial contribution towards their counselling as we are a registered charity and all our counsellors are unpaid volunteers. Contributions from clients are our biggest source of income, so if you can afford to be generous, it will help us to continue seeing clients on low incomes who are able to make only a small contribution. Primary clients have a fixed fee which will be discussed at assessment, however there is the opportunity to seek financial support from our hardship fund on a limited basis. There is a fee structure for family sessions dependant on the needs of each family group. This will be discussed at assessment. There is also the opportunity to seek financial support through our hardship fund on a limited basis.
  • What happens if I can't make an appointment?
    If you have to cancel an appointment it is important to let us know as soon as possible by phoning, e-mailing or writing to our Cirencester office (see Contact Us page). Please indicate why you are cancelling and if you require a further appointment. Cancelling at short notice may incur a cancellation fee.
  • What if I wish to make a comment about my counselling sessions?
    We are concerned that the service you receive through Cotswold Counselling meets the professional standards we set out to achieve. We are pleased to receive your comments. These may be addressed through your Counsellor or failing that, directly to the Counsellor Coordinator, who can be contacted via the main office.

Cotswold Counselling has a Code of Ethics which is also in line with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Code of Practice and we operate a Grievance Procedure.


Cotswold Counselling is committed to the ideal of Equal Opportunities and strives to ensure that no person seeking access to the services of the Agency or job applicant or employee or volunteer or support worker receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of disability, age, ethnic or national origin, religion, colour, sexual orientation or marital status, nor is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable.


This principle will apply to all activities of the Agency, that is, recruitment of employees, training and development, and in all services and facilities offered by the Agency.


We are a registered charity (number 1108979) and have over 65 experienced and trained volunteer counsellors.


Established in 1988 Cotswold Counselling is a non-profit making company limited by guarantee Registered in England No 5386830 and is a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).

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Cotswold Counselling

South Wing

Council Offices

Trinity Road



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BACP Membership No. 100127

Registered Charity No. 1108979

A non-profit making company limited by guarantee

Registered in England No. 5386830

Data Protection Statement: Cotswold Counselling is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office for data protection.  Confidentiality of your information is very important to us.

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