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Our Team


Cotswold Counselling is a registered charity which has been running for over thirty years and is run by a dedicated team of experienced staff.  We deploy the services of over 60 experienced and trained volunteer counsellors, many of whom also work independently.  Counsellors are provided with on-going training and professional, clinical supervision.  The organisation is run by a management team chaired by Jacqui Erskine Crum.


Working at Cotswold Counselling
We are currently recruiting for placements for those working with young people.  If you would like to be considered for a placement, please fill in this form and email to us at  Our next recruitment window for working with adults is likely to be in March 2024.


We are always happy to hear from qualified counsellors who are able to work with the 11-18 age group and wish to broaden their experience. If you are interested, please complete this form and email to us at


Please note: placements cannot be offered to ex-clients for at least two years after they have finished counselling at the Centre.  Cotswold Counselling cannot offer personal therapy for training course purposes. 



Dr Mark Porter MBE



Sally Le Marechal

Sally is a founder member of Cotswold Counselling.  She has a background in personnel management and training consultancy and worked as a 'listening volunteer' which gave her a valuable insight into the organisation.  Sally is a past Chairman of the Management Committee.


Vice President

Stephen Segar OBE

Stephen retired after a career with Lloyds Bank his last 8 years were in Cirencester.  He has held a portfolio of voluntary/community work including past Chairman of Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum – he remains a trustee, and Treasurer of Cirencester Macmillan Cancer Support. He is a Past President and member of Cirencester Rotary Club.  He was Finance Trustee of Cotswold Counselling for over  twenty years.



Vice President

Mary Moore

Mary worked in education, from the East End of London to a girls' Public School, apart from when she cared for her son until he went to school.  On retirement Mary became involved in charity work.


Consultant Manager

Margaret Morgans 

Margaret has a business background an many years' experience in the voluntary sector working with both the elderly and young people. She is a founder member of Cotswold Counselling.


Centre Manager

Zoe Wolton

Zoe has worked in administration and management roles within the Arts and charities sectors for over twenty-five years.


Administrative Assistant

Shân Smythe




Counsellor Coordinators


Counsellor Coordinator for Adults & Young People


Having transitioned from a business background some time ago, Sarah is a qualified counsellor who has volunteered with Cotswold Counselling for many years.  She also works in a number of other counselling settings, interacting with a wide variety of people and organisations.


Coordinator for Primary Children 


Nuala started her career in teaching and on retirement was a headteacher of a primary school. Following this she trained as a counsellor of adults and subsequently trained to work with young children and has extensive experience of working within the primary school environment as a therapist.


Principal Officers and Trustees



Jacqui Erskine Crum

Jacqui trained as a counsellor in 2005 and her initial placement was with Cotswold Counselling. She specialised in counselling adolescents working in several schools, delivering training for counsellors wishing to work in this field and tutoring at Bristol University. She was also the co-ordinator for the CYP service at the Agency. She is now a supervisor and working in private practice with adults and young people.


Vice Chair

Liz Hutchison

Liz trained as a nurse at St. Mary's Hospital, London and worked as a Ward Sister at The Brompton Hospital before coming to Cirencester and retired 2years ago after 40years in nursing.  The last 30 years were spent working in Cirencester as a Practice Nurse.



Nick Latimer

Nick is a fellow of the ICAEW and also a chartered tax adviser, working as a partner for Crowe UK in Cheltenham.  Crowe is a leading audit, tax, advisory and risk firm with particular strength in the charity and not for profit sector.  After 7 years of living in Cirencester and working with local charities such as Roundtable, the Scouts Association, and Friends of Powells School, he moved with his wife and young sons to live in Cheltenham.  He continues to have close ties with Cirencester, and having worked as a mentor and having direct experience of mental health issues, was very pleased to be appointed Treasurer of Cotswold Counselling in March 2021.



Management Team and Trustees

Jacqui Erskine Crum (Chair)

Liz Hutchison (Vice Chair)

Nick Latimer (Treasurer)

Anne Clark

Pam Megarry

Linda Nattrass

Helen Slator

Janet Bird - Counsellor Representative



Annual general meeting (AGM)

Members of the public are welcome to attend the AGM. Anyone interested in attending should contact for details.


Equal Opportunities Statement

Cotswold Counselling is committed to the ideal of Equal Opportunities and strives to ensure that no person seeking access to the services of the Agency or job applicant or employee or volunteer or support worker receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of disability, age, ethnic or national origin, religion, colour, sexual orientation or marital status, nor is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable.


This principle will apply to all activities of the Agency, that is, recruitment of employees, training and development, and in all services and facilities offered by the Agency.

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Cotswold Counselling

South Wing

Council Offices

Trinity Road



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BACP Membership No. 100127

Registered Charity No. 1108979

A non-profit making company limited by guarantee

Registered in England No. 5386830

Data Protection Statement: Cotswold Counselling is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office for data protection.  Confidentiality of your information is very important to us.

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