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Request for Counselling

If you would like to receive counselling, please telephone 01285 885 830 (there is a 24-hour answerphone facility) or complete the form below.  We will then arrange a suitable time for our Counsellor Coordinator, Sarah, to speak with you and to arrange an appropriate counsellor for your needs.  In the message box please also let us know whether you are happy for us to leave answerphone messages on your landline or mobile.  Please be aware that any calls you receive from Cotswold Counselling will come up as a withheld number.


Due to the high demand for counselling, there is an estimated waiting time for adults of up to one year.  However, this varies depending upon your availability.  For children aged under 11 years there will also be a waiting time although in most cases this will not be as long as for the adults. 


Our waiting list for couples is such that we are unfortunately also not able to take any new referrals for couples counselling at the moment.  We would very much like to try to help you, so please click here for some alternative suggestions.



Success! Message received.

GDPR: client information will be stored securely for 6 years and then destroyed unless we are contacted  before this time under your right to be forgotten.

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Cotswold Counselling

South Wing

Council Offices

Trinity Road



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BACP Membership No. 100127

Registered Charity No. 1108979

A non-profit making company limited by guarantee

Registered in England No. 5386830

Data Protection Statement: Cotswold Counselling is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office for data protection.  Confidentiality of your information is very important to us.

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